Second Romanian contractor to work for Patriot missile systems
Romanian state-owned aerospace company Romaero has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the US group Raytheon.
The two companies will cooperate in producing the Patriot missiles systems to be delivered to Romania, Romaero announced.
The MoU also opens up prospects for Romaero to export its production to be used for Patriot systems around the globe.
„This memorandum is the first stage of a partnership that can create many jobs in Romania and can give us a high level of understanding of state-of-the-art defensive military technologies,” said Remus Vulpescu, general manager of Romaero.
„Thanks to the more than 220 existing Patriot systems globally, we have an export market with great potential.” Raytheon has already agreed to buy parts for the Patriot systems dedicated to the local market from Romaero, says.
Thus, the Bucharest-based aerospace company has become the second local contractor for the Patriot systems, after Aerostar Bacau.
Separately, in September, Aerostar also started working with US aircraft manufacturer Sikorsky – a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin – to build a fitting-out and maintenance center for Black Hawk multirole utility helicopters.
(Photo: Mm Bogdan Pantilimon Statul Major al Fortelor Aeriene Fortele Aeriene Romane Facebook Page)
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